Soneto a Cristo Crucificado: "No Me Mueve, Mi Dios"

Setting by Domenico Mazzocchi. Rome, 1640.

Domenico Mazzocchi (1592-1665) wrote this setting of the sonnet to the crucified Christ, "No Me Mueve, Mi Dios".
Mazzocchi, Domenico. Musiche sacre, e morali : a una, due e tre voci. 1640, Rome, L. Grignani, pp 9-11.  (facsimile

Art Eschenlauer added the harmony (small notes) to Mazzocchi's unfigured bass (large notes) and added words in English.

This song is technically very challenging to sing (at least for me). After several weeks of practice, my performance in the Video Score below still has issues with timing, pitches, dynamics, support, and placement. It is my hope that, notwithstanding these defects, this will inspire others to sing (or arrange) this piece.


The sonnet "No Me Mueve, Mi Dios" is anonymous, probably written during the early 16th Century.
It was known to and disseminated by the first Jesuits some one hundred years before the first known printed copy, which is dated 1628.
Traditionally, it has been has been recited devotionally or while receiving the eucharist.
[Huff, Mary Cyria. The Sonnet "No Me Mueve, Mi Dios" - Its Theme in Spanish Tradition. 1948, Washington DC, The Catholic University of America Press.]

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