The anonymous Spanish sonnet "No me mueve, mi Dios, para quererte" was probably written at least a century before Domenico Mazzocchi set it to music in Rome in 1640. Through subsequent centuries, the sonnet has become a popular communion prayer.

Below is the text with a translation that I did in 1996. My 2017 arrangement of Mazzocchi's piece for voice, harp, and cello is at .

Soneto a Cristo Crucificado

No me mueve, mi Dios, para quererte'
el Çielo que me tienes prometido;
ni me mueve'el Infierno tan temido
para dexar por eso de'ofenderte.

My God, it does not move me to befriend Thee
that Thou hast promised heavenly salvation,
and terror of eternal condemnation
is not what causes my ceasing to offend Thee.

Mueves me Tú, Señor; muéveme'el verte
clavado en esa cruz y'escarneçido;
muéveme'el ver Tu cuerpo tan herido;
muévenme Tus afrentas y Tu muerte.

To see Thee move me, Lord, as nails suspend Thee
upon the Cross in great humiliation.
Thy wounded body shows thy tribulation
as we to cruel disgrace and death do send Thee.

Muéves me'alfin, mi Dios, de tal manera
que si no'hubiera Çielo, yo Te'amara,
y si no'hubiera'Infierno, Te temiera.

Thy love so moves me nought to prize above Thee
that, were there not a Hell, I yet would fear Thee,
and, were there not a Heaven, I yet would love Thee.

Ni tienes que me dar por que Te quiera,
por que si cuanto'espero no'esperara,
lo mismo que Te quiero Te quisiera.

Thou needst not give me more to have me love Thee;
for, had I not such hope of being near Thee,
I yet would love Thee just as now I love Thee.